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The Private Island World Directory is not a real estate broker or agent, and is not registered as such. The information available on this site is intended to provide you with general information only. The information concerning any given island property shown on this site has been provided by the owner or the owner’s broker and has not been verified by us. Private Island World Directory makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of information contained in advertisements.

Anyone (seller or buyer) placing an advertisement on the domain of The Private Island World Directory, PrivateIsland.pro assumes responsibility for the advertisement’s accuracy.

We, The Private Island World Directory publish advertisements as they are received and is not responsible for typographical errors, misprints, omissions, or misinformation.

Private Island World Directory is not engaged in the negotiation of transactions on behalf of any party and visitors to the site are advised to conduct any negotiations with agents or legal counsel of their choosing.

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Offsite links are provided by paying advertisers or for information purposes. By following any offsite links contained on the domain of The Private Island World Directory, each person assumes responsibility for any contracts entered into, purchases made, and any situation or event that may arise.

Once your island appears on Private Island World Directory, you agree to keep it advertised on this Web Site for a minimum of six months.