September 8


Surviving On A Deserted Private Island – Is It Possible?

One of the most popular options when it comes to a vacation spot is a private island. Most of these islands offer something special that the average tourist usually cannot find on a public destination. This is because island destinations have been carefully planned out and the surrounding environment has been preserved so that the few who visit will be able to enjoy their stay. Whether you are a couple wanting privacy or a large family with enough money to pay for a five star hotel, an island is the perfect vacation spot.

The first thing to consider is how you will heat your house. Some homes even have solar heating systems that can provide enough warmth for the entire home in the winter months. If this is the case, then insulation may also need to be upgraded. There are several types of insulation and they range in effectiveness and price, but all of them should help keep your home cooler in the summertime.

Once you have your house insulated and your insulation installed, then you can begin thinking about cooling your place. Will you rely primarily on heat from the air conditioning unit? Will you use an air conditioner to cool the rooms of your home? If so, then your options become a bit limited if the island has not yet been built.

If you are going to go the air conditioning route, then you need to factor in the cost of an extra room. On any island, heat will be a premium and making sure you have a separate area for the air conditioner is a good idea. Remember that even the most remote islands may be hundreds of miles from civilization and you would want to be sure that the electrical outlets on your private island are in full service at all times. It is also a good idea to check with the electric company to see what the expected availability is during peak hours.

Now, some islands do not offer any form of water transportation. This limits almost every option available to you for emergency heat sources. The closest option may just be a portable water heater. While this will be an excellent option for most people, it will be extremely small and difficult to carry with you. Also, if you have no other options, it would be wise to have one water storage tank to tide you over during the worst of a heat wave.

Of course, if you have the money and are prepared to make the trip, then you can always rent an apartment on the island. It is definitely a good way to go, but you will not be staying on a private property. This will allow you to sample the island’s beauty and idyllic climate without being restricted by its current inhabitants.


Island Survival

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